
On Premise ensures data sovereignty for BIM users

Faced with the possible risks of state interference in the data of certain companies or against the risks of industrial espionage, the OnPremise solution developed by BIMData is of interest to more and more companies handling sensitive information. BIMData boasts a practical and user-friendly interface coupled with the possibility to ensure the confidentiality of their clients’ data.
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Scan to BIM: Scan a building as a BIM model using an iPhone

The R&D project “Scan to BIM” will facilitate the digitization of buildings as well as giving small enterprises, or those lacking the necessary infrastructure, better access to BIM: something that represents a huge step forward in the world of French Tech. This project is the coming together of several key actors such as the CNRS, Oslandia, and BIMData, all of whom will bring their specific area of expertise including topological knowledge, access to Open Source point cloud display software and expertise of using artificial intelligence (AI) and BIM models. It was the strength and experience of the project partners that allowed this BOOSTER 2021 project to be awarded and funded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
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Posted in : R&D

Here are 4 good reasons to adopt BIM within the CMMS

BIM is a digital collaboration method that enables the management of all of the data for a building and the associated infrastructures, across their entire lifecycle (design, construction, management). Here we are looking at a building’s maintenance phase. Software-assisted management methods aimed at maintenance services (CMMS) and the monitoring of equipment (Building Management Systems) prove more effective if accompanied by BIM.

Here are 4 good reasons to adopt BIM within the CMMS.

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